Our Pastor

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ!
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you. GOD loves you and so do I. My prayer is that you will be made spiritually whole and set free from the bondage of sin.
My desire is for Christ to dwell in you; that you may excel to your potential and God-given purpose in life. I speak blessings over your entire family that the Hand of Almighty GOD will cause you to triumph in your spiritual journey.
If you are “lost”, there is “Reconciliation”. If you are “broken-hearted”, there is “Restoration”. If you are “weak in spirit”, there is a “Refreshing”. If you are filled with the Holy Ghost and your cup is running over, then let’s go deeper in our worship, praise, and service to GOD.
Get prepared for a supernatural move of the Holy Spirit in our midst, followed by an outpouring of healing, breakthrough, and deliverance. The “blessings” of GOD are prepared and waiting to be manifested. I pray that all of your needs are met through Christ Jesus as you grow in maturity in the Grace of God.
Bishop Robert M. Jones, Sr.

About Our Pastor
Bishop Robert M. Jones was born in Monroe, Louisiana in 1958. At the age of 15, The Lord drew him to Mission Church of the Living God in Christ, which at the time was under the leadership of its founder, Overseer Pastor Rendia Collier. As a young man, he knew God had a calling on his life. He held various positions in the church organization such as Youth Sunday School teacher, YPWW Leader, Choir Director, Musician, Junior Deacon, Deacon, Church Treasurer, as well as Minister.

In July of 1979, at the age of 20, he married his beautiful wife, Elder Kathi J. Jones. Together they have 3 children: Robert (Mikee) Jones Jr., Kathesia M. Jones, and Matthew C. Jones.
On February 14, 1988, Minister Robert Jones was ordained Elder and Pastor of Mission Church. The church remained in East Windsor for 14 more years. During this time, the Lord spiritually prepared and equipped Bishop Jones, under the leadership of Bishop Jesse and Pastor Ethel Barber.
In 2001, The Lord then showed Bishop Jones an open vision, out of which he was commissioned to bring Mission Church back to Springfield, MA. In December 2001, Bishop Jones parted with his secular job affording him the time to concentrate on renovating the church on a full-time basis. The Lord took a businessman and made him a carpenter.
By means of his own physical labor, and the help of a few others, Mission Church was renovated within 1 year. In early 2003, Mission Church held the Grand Opening of its new building. Bishop Jones now operates in his new trade performing home improvement work. Many homes and churches have been blessed by the labor of God's messenger.
Under his leadership, simply by word of mouth, the ministry has grown tremendously. He teaches with simplicity and common sense while practicing love and commitment to God and man. Bishop Jones continues to move the church in a direction that reaches out into the community to shoulder up individuals in need. The Lord has given him a vision that he is supposed to stand and call. As a result, souls will be drawn to him so that they can be saved, delivered, and set free through the blood of Jesus; not only cleaning them out but filling them with the gift of the Holy Ghost.